Missions at DBC
Joining together to share the love of Christ
DeHaven Baptist Church is a mission-minded congregation. We believe in the Great Commission (Matthew 28: 16-20) where Jesus commanded us to "...go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit..." Our missions ministry is a direct reflection of this commandment. Below are some of the ways that we go:
Baptist Builders
Helping with building projects in the state of Kentucky.
Contact: Eddie Byers
Highpoint Charitable Services
A volunteer organization working to bring wholeness to the community, share the gospel, and meet physical needs. Highpoint helps with resources to reduce the suffering of families caught in the cycle of poverty, hunger, and homelessness.
Contact: Mary Kolb
Crossroads Pregnancy Center
Our mission is bringing hope, help, and healing to those affected by an unplanned pregnancy. Help is accepted through prayer, volunteering, or donations.
Contact: Susan Schooler
Good News Homes
Good News Homes is a non-profit provider of short term housing for families and single moms who have lost their home or job and cannot make it financially. Homes are located in Oldham and Trimble counties.
Contact: Charlotte Dawson
Honduras Missions
DeHaven partners with the Oldham-Trimble Association and Frontline Missions to send teams to Honduras annually.
Contact: Eddie Byers
International Missions Support
Used greeting cards, pillowcases, sheets, and used stamps are provided to ministries in the Philippines, Gabon, Central and South America for fund raising, support, and clothing.
Contact: Florence McCloskey
LaGrange Ministries
Collecting school supplies for children in the area.
Contact: Pam Lunsford